The Arctic deep ocean is a fragile and under-studied ecosystem, vital to understanding the impact of climate change; the region is now also threatened by deep-sea mining.
“Arctic warming is happening up to four times faster than the global average. This means the ecosystems are changing really fast. So mapping and getting more knowledge about those ecosystems and about the species there now before it's too late, is very important,” explained Vidar Helgesen, Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (UNESCO-IOC) and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO.
Shrimps covered in hairy bacteria feasting on methane, stalked jellyfish resembling underwater flowers, armoured crustaceans, forests of tube worms, fish with antifreeze proteins in their blood, and animals living with bacteria that can turn toxic chemicals into energy are just a few of the hundreds of specimens collected by the expedition. These findings provide a glimpse into the diverse life in this highly specialised ecosystem.
The Ocean Census Arctic Deep Expedition took place in May 2024 aboard the Norwegian Research Vessel Kronprins Haakon. The survey sites extended 1200 km north of Norway into the Greenland sea, with 36 scientists and specialists from 15 countries taking part. The expedition used REV Ocean’s specialised scientific remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Aurora to explore, sample, and catalogue the species diversity of this little-explored region.
The discoveries were made at depths ranging from 2000 to 3700 metres across some of the Arctic’s most extreme habitats, including hydrothermal vents, methane ‘cold seeps’, mid-ocean ridges and abyssal plains.
“The Arctic hydrothermal vents have communities that are different from anywhere else in the world. These are environments powered by chemical energy rather than sunlight,” explained Professor Alex Rogers, Ocean Census Science Director, who led the expedition.
The ‘hairy’ shrimps were found on hydrothermal vents at depths of 3000 metres in the Greenland Sea. The ‘hair’ that covers their bodies is actually bacteria colonies that convert the highly toxic and corrosive hydrogen sulphides gushing from the seafloor into energy.
First discovered in 1977, this process of ‘chemosynthesis’ contrasts with the rest of life on Earth that relies on photosynthesis, turning sunlight into energy. In chemosynthesis bacterial metabolism of chemicals is the start of the food chain around vents and cold seeps, creating islands of life in the deep. The same geochemical processes that feed chemosynthesis also create the mineral deposits sought after for deep-sea mining. Evolutionary biologists believe chemosynthesis in environments like some types of hydrothermal vents could have sparked the creation of life on Earth.
“Every species that we find is part of the library of the ingenuity of nature and the innovations that nature has come up with to cope with the challenges of their environment, which can be very valuable for us. It can lead to new molecules that can be used for medical treatment, new insights for material science in the future. That is why deep-sea life matters and why we should continue to protect it for the future,” explained Professor Jon Copley, University of Southampton, who participated in the expedition.
While some species discovered during the expedition may not be new to science, they are each unveiling the intricate web of life thriving in the Arctic Ocean's depths, a fragile ecosystem increasingly threatened by climate change.
“These Arctic seeps and vents show us that life is intimately connected to the global climate. We are seeing the aftermath of past climatic events in patterns of life here, and that shows us that any climatic event in the future will affect all deep ocean life,” continued Professor Copley.
With Norway becoming the first country to approve commercial deep-sea mining within their territorial waters in January 2024, it is vital to study and understand these ecosystems now.
“We urgently need to build up a baseline that will give us the possibility to understand the changes in the future. The past is the key to the present. The present is the key to the future,” added Prof Giuliana Panieri, Arctic University of Norway, the co-lead of the Ocean Census Arctic Deep Expedition.
Further imaging, sequencing, and taxonomy will be completed in October at the Ocean Census Species Discovery Workshop at the University of the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway, to identify which species are new to science.
As a 10-year, UN-endorsed programme, Ocean Census aims to discover ocean life worldwide. Founded in 2023 by The Nippon Foundation and Nekton, Ocean Census already unites over 300 scientific institutes. Previous Ocean Census expeditions have discovered hundreds of new species.
The Ocean Census Arctic Deep Expedition is a partnership between the University of the Arctic, Tromsø, Norway, REV Ocean, and Ocean Census. The discoveries and extraordinary imagery of life in the depths of the Arctic Ocean have been released ahead of World Ocean Day, 8th June.
Unveiling Life in the Arctic Abyss: Ocean Census Expedition Reveals Biodiversity Wonders at Life's Extremes.
SHOTLIST: All shot between May 3-24 2024, Tromso, Greenland Sea, Svalbard.
Specimen montage 1 - 4:
1.(00:00:03)Rhodichthyes Regina, threadfin snailfish (00:04): Found at a depth of 2461 meters at the Jotul Vent Field, the Threadfin Snailfish thrives under the extreme conditions of the Arctic deep-sea. This member of the Liparidae (snailfish) family is distinguished by its delicate whisker-like barbels, which are sensory organs that help it detect movement and vibrations in the pitch-black waters. Adding to its intriguing features is a striking white protrusion below its gill plate - look closely to see a parasitic larva of the crustacean family Gnathiidae embedded in its cheek.
2. ‘Hairy’ decapod shrimp (00: 00:09): Thriving at a depth of 3000 meters near the hydrothermal vents of the Jotul Vent Field, the ‘Hairy’ Decapod Shrimp shows a fascinating cohabitation. The "hairs" are bacteria colonies that perform a remarkable chemical transformation, converting the vent’s toxic hydrogen sulfide into energy. This unique adaptation allows them to exploit the chemical-rich waters of their extreme environment, turning deadly gasses into a source of sustenance, much like plants utilise sunlight.
3. (00:00:12) Mysid Shrimp - Found at a depth of 2631 meters in the Jotul Vent Field, Mysid shrimp are small but formidable survivors of the deep ocean’s extreme environment. These shrimps are distinguished by their large, sensitive eyes that allow them to detect the faintest light in near-total darkness. Covering their bodies and antennae are fine, sensory hairs called setae. These setae detect chemical signals and movements in the water, aiding in navigation and the location of food particles.
4. Lycodes, eelpouts (00:18) - Found at 2750 meters along the Knipovich Ridge, Eelpouts are a testament to survival in the frigid depths of the ocean. These bottom-dwellers are equipped with special proteins in their blood that prevent freezing, enabling them to thrive in icy Arctic waters. Eelpouts exhibit unique reproductive behaviors, often guarding their eggs against predators and harsh environmental conditions until they hatch.
5. Interview: Prof Giuliana Panieri, UiT and Co-Principal Investigator, Ocean Census Deep Arctic Expedition:
Soundbite (00:00:21) Prof Giuliana Panieri: “Most of the Arctic has not been investigated yet. We have information. Yes, we do, but not enough in order to really understand what is going on in this region today. We urgently need to build up a baseline that will give us the possibility to understand the changes in the future. The past is the key to the present. The present is the key to the future.”
6. (00:50) Discovery of hydrothermal vents: The first descent in the Jotul Vent Field landed almost directly on a Hydrothermal vent 3000 m below. The Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV) is controlled from a specialised room, with scientists observing the and the pilots maneuvering. All connected ROV via fiber optic cable to the sea floor.
7. Interview: Prof. Alex Rogers, Ocean Census, Science Director, Co-Principal Investigator, Ocean Census Deep Arctic Expedition:
8. (01:04) Prof. Alex Rogers: “The Arctic hydrothermal vents have communities that are different from anywhere else in the world. These are environments where the food web is powered by chemical energy rather than sunlight. If you go outside the vents, species are quite thin on the ground and we see this clustering of biodiversity around these habitats, so they are important.”
9. (01:32) ‘Black smoker’ Hydrothermal vents at the Jotul Vent Field, 3000m depth. New chimneys were found in a known field, these chimneys may be active for a few years to many hundreds.
10. (01:58) SOUNDBITE: Dr Usha Parameswaran, National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research (NCPOR) : “It’s exciting when you see something that has never been seen before, it is very exciting!”
11. (02:02) SOUNDBITE: Prof Alex Roger, Ocean Census Science Director: “What we found on this crinoid, is a coral living on a crinoid stalk. It’s almost certainly a new species”
Specimen montage: 12-19
12 (00:02:08) Stalked Crinoid with Octocoral: Discovered at a depth of 2203 meters within the Jotul Vent Field, this unusual pairing of a stalked crinoid and octocoral illustrates a remarkable deep-sea symbiosis. In a previously unobserved relationship, the octocoral grows on the crinoid's stalk, functioning as an epiphyte—similar to how lichens adhere to trees.
13. (00:02:11) Lucernaria, stalked jellyfish: Thriving in the alien landscapes of the deep sea, Lucernaria are found at a depth of 3574 meters along the Molloy Ridge. These stalked jellyfish resemble ethereal underwater flowers, with their translucent, bell-shaped bodies and radiating tentacles designed to ensnare plankton and small creatures drifting in the deep ocean currents. Unlike their free-swimming jellyfish cousins, Lucernaria attach themselves to the seabed.
14. (00:02:14) The armoured amphipods and isopods: These crustaceans, equipped with formidable exoskeletons, are superbly adapted to the extreme conditions of hydrothermal vents and cold seeps found at great depths. Armored isopods, with their rigid, segmented shells protect them from predation, Amphipods, although smaller and more flexible, boast similarly tough exteriors and are adept at navigating the complex terrain of vents and seeps. Documented in abundance, both types of crustaceans play crucial roles in these ecosystems: isopods primarily as scavengers, breaking down detritus, and amphipods as both predators and prey, contributing to the nutrient cycling critical for these biodiverse habitats.
15. (00:02:20) Ampharetidae worms (02:20)- This family of polychaete worms constructs intricate burrows or tubes within the ocean floor's sediment, which serve not only as their homes but also as crucial structures for the surrounding ecosystem. These burrows enhance the sediment's stability and facilitate nutrient cycling, playing a vital role in the sediment ecosystem.
16. (00:02:23) Lycenchelys, Eelpouts
17. (00:02:26) Shrimp with bacteria hairs
18. (00:02:30) Dark red anemone - Discovered at a depth of 2831 meters, The anemone's deep red hue may help it absorb the scant light available in its environment or may be a result of its diet. Seen here with its familiar tentacles retracted, anemones like this are important players in their ecosystem, serving as habitats for a variety of marine species while also capturing small creatures with their venomous tentacles.
19. Small orange gastropods - At a depth of 3574 meters on the Molloy Ridge, these small orange gastropods have adapted to cling to the stalks of deep-sea sponges. They likely play a role in grazing on microorganisms or sponge tissues, contributing to the complex interactions within their ecosystem.
20. (00:02:32) white sea star - Discovered at a depth of 2770 meters within the Jotul Vent Field, the White sea star stands out not just for its striking color but also for its crucial role in the deep-sea ecosystem. As a prominent benthic predator and scavenger, this sea star contributes significantly to the ecological balance by consuming dead or decaying matter along with small organisms.
Interview: Professor Jon Copley, University of Southampton, expedition participant
21. (00:02:35) Jon Copley: “Undoubtedly what these Arctic seeps and vents show us, is that life is intimately connected to the global climate. So we are seeing the aftermath of past climatic events in patterns of life here and that shows us that for any climatic event in the future, they will affect all deep ocean life.”
22. (00:02:57) ROV control room
23. (00:03:03) ROV Aurora returning to its hangar in the mothership via the ‘moon pool’, an opening in the center of the ship.
24. (00.03:10) Scientist collecting samples from ROV
25. (00:03:15) Scientists sorting samples in the Wet Lab, adjacent to the ROV hangar
26. (00:03:24) Sediment core sampling on deck - multi core dropped in depth to take 1m tubes of sediment, giving a snapshot of thousands of years of sediment build up and microorganisms within.
Specimen Montage
27. (00:03:40) Limpet - Found within the Jotul Vent Field at a depth of 3000 meters, this small but remarkable limpet, likely belonging to the genus Cocculina, offers insights into the connectivity of marine life across the globe. Vent Cocculina have previously been identified only at Antarctic vent sites and the Aurora vent field; its presence in the Arctic underscores a rare evolutionary link between distant polar regions.
28. (00:03:43) Comatulid crinoids - Found at 3142 meters, Comatulid crinoids, commonly known as feather stars, demonstrate an astonishing level of adaptability. These crinoids are free-moving and utilize their long, feather-like arms both for locomotion and as efficient tools to capture floating food particles in their deep-sea habitat.
29. (00:03:46) Red sea star - Found at a depth of 2776 meters on the Knipovich Ridge, this Red Sea Star is a vibrant example of deep-sea biodiversity. Its striking red coloration stands out against the dark ocean floor. Sea stars like this play a critical role in their ecosystems, acting as both predators and scavengers
30 (00:03:52) Dark Red Anemone
31. (00:03:55) Amphipod
32. (00:03:58) Small orange gastropods - At a depth of 3574 meters on the Molloy Ridge, these small orange gastropods have adapted to cling to the stalks of deep-sea sponges. They likely play a role in grazing on microorganisms or sponge tissues, contributing to the complex interactions within their ecosystem.
33. SOUNDBITE (00:04:00) : Prof. Jon Copley: “Every species that we find is part of the library of the ingenuity of nature and the innovations that nature has come up with to cope with the challenges of their environment, that can be very valuable for us. It can lead to new molecules that can be used for medical treatment, new insights for material science in the future. That is why deep sea biodiversity matters and why we should continue to protect it for the future.”
Interview Vidar Helgesen, Executive Secretary, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (UNESCO-IOC) and Assistant Director-General of UNESCO.
34. Soundbite: (00:04:30) Vidar Helgesen: “Arctic warming is happening up to four times faster than the global average. This means the ecosystems are changing really fast. So mapping and getting more knowledge about those ecosystems and about the species there now before it's too late, is very important.”
35-43. (00:04:46) Ship Mobilising and departing at 01:00 in Early May. In Tromso, which is in the Arctic circle, from late April, there is light 24 hours a day until late August. The furthest north the expedition went is 80 degrees North, 1200 km North of Tromso.
44. (00:05:37) SOUNDBITE: Prof. Alex Rogers: “The Nippon Foundation Nekton Ocean Census Mission is to accelerate the discovery of species in the ocean. On this expedition, we're sampling a variety of deep-sea ecosystems; Abyssal plains, mid-ocean ridges. We're looking for hydrothermal vents, and we're also looking for hydrocarbon seeps. The ocean contains a bigger library of the legacy of the last 4 billion years of evolution than land or freshwater. And within that huge genetic library are the recipes for many biochemicals that are hugely useful to humankind.”
45-47. (00:06:28) Expedition underway. The ship faced a storm with waves over 7m and winds over over 110kph, outside temperatures below freezing. Ship remains fully operational throughout, with the Dynamic Position System holding it in place to >1m while the ROV is 3000m+ below.
48-50. (00:06:38) Ice operations. At the furthest north expedition sites, northwest of Svalbard in the Greenland sea, the ship moves through sea ice floes and temperatures of minus 15 celsius.
51-56 (00:06:51) ROV Aurora. Expedition partner REV Ocean’s Remote operated vehicle Aurora can dive to 6000m, dedicated team conducting maintenance, being deployed and received through the moonpool.