Did you know the single biggest one day shopping sale is this weekend?
Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant is hosting one day sale known as 11.11 Day. While 11.11 Day is primarily for Chinese consumers, shoppers from all around the world participated. Last year’s event sold $25.3 billion U.S. dollars’ worth of merchandise into 225 countries and regions.
Named after a holiday celebrating being Single, the 11.11 Day has tripled its growth in 2017 comparing from 2009, when the company first created this event to the 2017 event.
11.11 Day helps generates massive amount of exposure for big international brands as well new-comers to China.
“Very few events have the kind of reach that 11.11 has and it's a wonderful opportunity to tell the Tumi story and what we stand for to the Chinese audience. So it's something that we take very seriously and are very excited about as well.” Says Adam Hershman, general manager of Tumi in China, Hong Kong and Macau.
This year, more than 180,000 brands—up from 60,000 last year— will participate in the 24-hour shopping extravaganza. Tmall Global provides 3,700 categories of imported goods from 75 countries and regions on its platform. The 2017 data showed that Japan, the United States, Australia, Germany and South Korea are among the top selling countries to China.
And if you can imagine, Alibaba says this year’s 11.11 sale will be bigger than ever.
Apart from just its online shopping channels -- Tmall and Taobao -- Alibaba’s other businesses are also offering special 11.11 experiences.
200,000 smart stores in China across the apparel, fast-moving consumer goods, beauty products, automobile and home décor industries will help boost traffic to offline and online shopping destinations.
Starbucks is partnering with Alibaba’s on-demand delivery service to delivery drinks -- within 30 minutes.
Hema, Alibaba’s high-tech supermarket, is a big part of 11.11 for the first time this year. Consumers can come to the store to take advantage of special deals.Or like all of Alibaba's services, they can place an order from the comfort of their home.There will also be 200,000 smart stores in major shopping malls across China which allow consumers to blend online and offline shopping. And Chinese consumers do it all on mobile. They’re definitely more advanced – and having more fun – with online – and offline shopping.
Shanghai, 8th Nov 2018
Middle shot of woman scanning Tmall homepage
Shanghai, 7th Nov 2018
Screen shot of Tmall homepage
Shanghai, 20th Oct 2018
3. Tmall Collection clips
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Adam Hershman, general manager of Tumi
“Very few events have the kind of reach that 11.11 has and it's a wonderful opportunity to tell the Tumi story and what we stand for to the Chinese audience. So it's something that we take very seriously and are very excited about as well.”
Shanghai, 9th Nov 2018
5. Middle shot of woman ordering on mobile
6. Close shot of mobile screen
7. Wide shot of Starbucks shop
8. Middle shot of Starbucks barista packing takeaway order
9. Middle shot of Starbucks barista putting takeaway order on shelf
10. Wide shot of Eleme man on the road
11. Middle shot of customer picking up order
Shanghai, 7th Nov 2018
12. Tilt from top to middle of Hema supermarket
Shanghai, 16th Mar 2018
13. Middle shot of Hema staff picking up goods for customer
14. Middle shot of Hema staff put goods on automatic conveyer belt
15. Various of automatic conveyer belt
16. Middle shot of Hema delivery man
Hangzhou, 3rd Nov 2018
17. Middle shot of shopping mall front door
18. Close shot of Tmall installation
19. Middle shot of woman choosing lipstick color on digital mirror
20. Close shot of woman choosing lipstick color on digital mirror
21. Close shot of woman paying through Taobao app
22. Middle shot of woman receiving receipt
23. Middle shot of woman picking up her order
Beijing, 20th Oct 2018
24. Middle shot of people moving finger on interactive guide screen
25. Closes shot of woman looking at interactive guide screen
26. Close shot of mobile screen scanning goods QR code
27. Close shot of people look at mobile screen which shows goods information
Shanghai, 9th Nov 2018
29. Zoom in of Tmall smart store in shopping mall
30. Middle shot of people in Tmall smart store
31. Middle shot of people scanning goods QR code
32. Close shot of mobile screen
33. Moving shot of fountain
34. Middle shot of people lining up
35. Close shot of people purchasing through scanning QR code on Tmall vending machine